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2024-07-02 10:00:00


Migration strategy

Globalization and incessantly increasing competitive pressures are forcing companies to continuously increase productivity and shorten product time to market. To this end, it is necessary to continuously optimize engineering procedures and the process, and to simultaneously consider new industrial requirements and directives.

Today, many systems and plants must be expanded and modernized to ensure that companies can continue to provide products meeting market requirements. However, since the installed basis of hardware, application software and know-how of the operating and maintenance engineers represents an enormous value, the safeguarding of investments for companies operating the plants is always assigned a high priority during all modernization plans.

Experience has shown that the success of migration is largely determined by providing a technical solution that optimally matches the customer requirements and the customer’s plant. Minimization of the technical and financial risks together with safeguarding of investments for as long a period as possible are always fundamental aspects. The different lifecycles of the various system components must also be considered, which currently vary from 5 years for PC-based workstations, 15 years for controllers, up to 25 years or more for input/output components and wiring. Therefore Siemens does not consider its task to simply be the complete replacement of an existing system, but in close collaboration together with customers and their system integrators of an individual, future-oriented solution based on the state-of-the-art SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system - always under the directives:

  • Step-by-step system innovation

  • Adaptable to the specific conditions of the plant

  • Flexible according to production requirements


    6AV6644-0AC01-2AX0MP377-19   触摸式面板,19寸64K色中文 
    6AV6644-0BA01-2AX1MP377-12   按键式面板,12寸64K色中文显示
    6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 MMC   存储卡 128 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 
    6ES7 648-0DC20-0AA0USB   stick 512M
    6ES7 648-0DC30-0AA0USB   stick 1G
    6ES7 648-0DC40-0AA0USB   stick 2G
    6AV6647-0AA11-3AX0SIMATIC KTP400 Basic mono PN   3.8" mono STN 显示屏,以太网接口
    6AV6647-0AB11-3AX0SIMATIC KTP600 Basic color PN   5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口
    6AV6647-0AD11-3AX0SIMATIC KTP600   Basic color PN 5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口
    6AV6647-0AE11-3AX0SIMATIC   KTP1000 基本色 DP 10.4" TFT 显示器,256 色 MPI/PROFIBUS DP 接口, WINCC FLEXIBLE   2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。
    6AV6647-0AF11-3AX0SIMATIC   KTP1000 基本色 PN 10,4" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008   精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。
    6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0 KTP1200 BASIC
    6AV6647-0AG11-3AX0SIMATIC   TP1500 基本色 PN 15.0" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008   精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。
    6AV6648-0BC11-3AX0Smart   700
    6AV6648-0BE11-3AX0Smart   1000
    6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0KTP400   舒适型          
    6AV2124-0GC01-0AX0TP700   舒适型           
     6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0TP900   舒适型          
     6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0TP1200   舒适型         
     6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0TP1500   舒适型         
     6AV2124-0UC02-0AX0TP1900   舒适型        
    6AV2124-0XC02-0AX0TP2200   舒适型          
     6AV2124-1DC01-0AX0KP400   舒适型          
     6AV2124-1GC01-0AX0KP700   舒适型          
     6AV2124-1JC01-0AX0KP900   舒适型          
     6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0KP1200   舒适型         
     6AV2124-1QC02-0AX0KP1500   舒适型         


    APACS+/QUADLOG 移植组态示例

    通过用西门子的 SIMATIC PCS 7 OS 操作和监视系统对基于 APACS+/QUADLOG 控制器的过程控制系统进行移植,用户可以保留已有的成熟功能,同时通过具体升级改造大幅提高功能与性能。当前的操作员和工程系统可配置为现代化的 SIMATIC PCS 7,同时保留 APACS +/ QUADLOG 控制器和嵌套的 I/O 层次。通过这种策略,客户可高效而经济地移植现有系统,无需更换任何控制器、I/O 设备及其布线,也不会有与系统配置相关的任何投资损失。

    另外,SIMATIC PCS 7 AS 410 自动化系统在控制器级提供了优异的备选方案,尤其适用于工厂扩展。这些通过工业以太网模块 (IEM) 的控制器 - 控制器通信以及可通过双通道与 APACS + / QUADLOG 控制器和 AS 410 系统通信的 PCS 7 / APACS + 操作员系统支持。


    移植至 SIMATIC PCS 7 后,APACS+ 用户还可以受益于全集成自动化(TIA)所提供的大量优点,以及,该系统已经提供的、用来与公司信息网络实现集成的相关功能。这些功能包括与 SIMATIC IT 制造执行系统的接口、基于万维网的监控功能或者与其它 IT 应用的 OPC 数据交换功能。

    除了上述技术方面的优势外,良好的未来兼容性也是支持 APACS+/QUADLOG 移植的一个重要依据。这得益于西门子持之以恒地致力于产品研发投资,以及,对 SIMATIC 系列产品提供长期的全球性服务与支持。

    选项转换 OS 用户软件

    采用Zui新的西门子 DBA 技术,可以快速、可靠地实现您的用户程序。据此,可以保护您对当前系统的组态进行的投资。

    当然,我们还提供了这类转换服务。您可以因这个原因,或者在生成新图形时,向我们经验丰富的移植专家请求提供这类服务 。我们将非常乐于为您提供一份单独的报价。




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    • 联系人:黄章科
    • 手  机:18201996087