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通过 versiondog 对 SIMATIC PCS 7 工厂进行数据管理
通过“versiondog”,西门子解决方案合作伙伴 AUVESY GmbH(AUtomated VErsioning SYstems,自动版本管理系统)提供了一种高性能软件和数据管理系统,该系统可作为一个 SIMATIC PCS 7 附加组件产品无缝集成到任何 SIMATIC PCS 7 架构中。
versiondog 可确保数据透明度和项目安全性,有助于避免风险,降低开销。它满足信息安全方面的要求,如数据机密性、数据完整性、数据可用性和数据真实性。
SIMATIC PCS 7 工厂的操作员可以使用 versiondog 来制定数据管理策略,实现更高效和更有远见的运行。通过循环备份,可进行检查以确定当前正在使用的 SIMATIC PCS 7 项目是否相应于已经过验证的软件版本。通过比较在线和离线数据,还可以识别网络攻击。
由于工厂故障通常无法预测,versiondog 在发生故障时的备份策略是保持 SIMATIC PCS 7 项目的一个全新备份(灾难恢复)。这种数据备份将会连续更新和进行版本控制,即,执行更改后(修改或改进),由新版本替换之前的版本。
SIMATIC PCS 7 系统和相关自动化组件的审核由 versiondog 的版本控制和更改归档功能提供支持(包括报表和自动审核跟踪)。SFC 和 CFC 标准库管理为源自于库的函数/连续功能图 (SFC/CFC) 和块提供参考。
软件和数据管理系统 versiondog 可与 SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.x、V9.0 和 V9.0 SP1 配合使用
6AV6644-0AC01-2AX0 | MP377-19 触摸式面板,19寸64K色中文 |
6AV6644-0BA01-2AX1 | MP377-12 按键式面板,12寸64K色中文显示 |
6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 | MMC 存储卡 128 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 |
6ES7 648-0DC20-0AA0 | USB stick 512M |
6ES7 648-0DC30-0AA0 | USB stick 1G |
6ES7 648-0DC40-0AA0 | USB stick 2G |
6AV6647-0AA11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP400 Basic mono PN 3.8" mono STN 显示屏,以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AB11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP600 Basic color PN 5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AD11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP600 Basic color PN 5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AE11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP1000 基本色 DP 10.4" TFT 显示器,256 色 MPI/PROFIBUS DP 接口, WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV6647-0AF11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP1000 基本色 PN 10,4" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0 | KTP1200 BASIC |
6AV6647-0AG11-3AX0 | SIMATIC TP1500 基本色 PN 15.0" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV6648-0BC11-3AX0 | Smart 700 |
6AV6648-0BE11-3AX0 | Smart 1000 |
6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0 | KTP400 舒适型 |
触摸式面板 | |
6AV2124-0GC01-0AX0 | TP700 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0 | TP900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0 | TP1200 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0 | TP1500 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0UC02-0AX0 | TP1900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0XC02-0AX0 | TP2200 舒适型 |
按键 | |
6AV2124-1DC01-0AX0 | KP400 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1GC01-0AX0 | KP700 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1JC01-0AX0 | KP900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0 | KP1200 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1QC02-0AX0 | KP1500 舒适型 |
The PM240‑2 and PM250 Power Modules are already designed for Safety Integrated.
In conjunction with a standard Control Unit, the drive provides the safety function STO.
The PM240‑2 Power Modules, frame sizes FSD to FSG additionally offer STO acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and EN ISO 13489‑1 PL e and Category 3.
In conjunction with a fail-safe Control Unit, the drive can be turned into a Safety Integrated Drive with comprehensive safety functions.
The Safety Integrated functions are fully integrated in the drive system. They can be activated via fail-safe digital inputs or via PROFINET or PROFIBUS with PROFIsafe.
The Safety Integrated functions are implemented electronically and therefore offer short response times compared to solutions with externally implemented monitoring functions.
Safety Integrated encoderless
The safety functions do not require a motor encoder; the implementation effort is minimal. Existing machines in particular can be updated with integrated safety technology without the need to change the motor or mechanical system.
The STO function can be used without any restrictions for all applications.
The SS1, SLS, SSM and SDI functions are only permissible for applications where the load can never cause acceleration. An encoder that is used for the purposes of motor control has no significance for the safety functions here.
Safety Integrated overview
The availability of Safety Integrated functions depends on the type of Control Unit. Standard Control Units and fail-safe Control Units are available.
The CU240E‑2 standard Control Units have STO and the CU250S‑2 Control Units have STO, SBC, and SS1 as standard.
The fail-safe Control Units offer Extended Functions (SLS, SDI, SSM) in addition to the Basic Functions (STO, SS1). The Basic Function SBC is currently supported by the CU250S‑2.
A license is required for operation of the Extended Functions on the CU250S‑2 Control Unit. It is of no consequence here which safety functions are used and how many.
The license can be ordered as an option with the memory card. Alternatively, a single-user license can also be purchased